Foodies has additional articles in The Onion and Edible Austin.  Perhaps if you google, you can find them.  We can't, but perhaps you'll get lucky.

2009 - Best Way for Women to Find Women:

Kitty Makes Austin Lezzie Scene (and the Big Cats at HRC) Purrrrr

Tonight, HRC-Austin honored our pal Diane "Kitty" Murray at their annual gala. They also honored this guy, another great and deserving choice, but one you kind of expect from a joint like HRC. The Kitty prize, however, came out of a very welcome left field. Her approach to community, has been a refreshing kick in the Austin queer scene's ass, and we respect and salute HRC for recognizing it.

OK, does anyone else find it ROTFL funny as hell that their two winners are KITTY & DOGgett? Woof!

We're sad to not be there to hug the hell out of her for this accomplishment, but we are HO-ing it up in Galveston. Congratulations, Kitty.

2008 Best Scenester/Mover & Shaker: TIE: Stephen MacMillan Moser, Kitty Murray

These prodigal siblings may not realize they were cut from the same cloth, born of the same womb: the belly of the dishy diva. Prodigal? Both Stephen "Your Style Avatar" MacMillan Moser and Diane "Kitty of Foodies" Murray lived opulent and crapulent lives back in those fabled Austin Eighties, then left Texas to find themselves (Moser to New York and Seattle to design fashion and Murray to work both coasts in the film biz), and later returned, bigger and badder than ever. Our readers love these community juggernauts and trust them to lead the way: for Moser, every week in the pages of this newsweekly and for Murray, organizing events for women who love women … who sometimes eat food.